If you are actually flight from Chicago, United States to Cleveland, United States or if you are just curious to know the flight time between Chicago and Cleveland, this page will give you lot the data yous are looking for.

Click to observe Flying time from Cleveland to Chicago


Flight time from Chicago to Cleveland is 3 hours 22 minutes

One terminate flying time from MDW to CLE via DTW is 3 hours 22 minutes (Operated past Delta Air Lines)

The nearest airport to Chicago, is Midway Aerodrome (MDW) and the nearest airport to Cleveland, is Hopkins International Drome (CLE)

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Altitude from Chicago to Cleveland is approximately 500 kilometers.

Flying time from Chicago to Cleveland via Atlanta, GA • MDW to CLE via ATL

Flight duration from Midway Airdrome to Hopkins International Airport via Hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International Airdrome, United States on Delta Air Lines flight is 5 hours 19 minutes

Delta Air Lines MDW to ATL
1 hr 55 mins
Waiting Fourth dimension
1 hr 35 mins
1 60 minutes 49 mins
Total Elapsing:
5 hrs 19 mins

Flight time from Chicago to Cleveland via Atlanta, GA • MDW to CLE via ATL

Flight elapsing from Midway Airport to Hopkins International Airport via Hartsfield-jackson Atlanta International Airdrome, Us on Delta Air Lines flying is 10 hours iii minutes

Delta Air Lines MDW to ATL
1 hr 50 mins
Waiting Time
half dozen hrs 23 mins
1 hr fifty mins
Total Duration:
10 hrs 3 mins

How long does it take to wing from Chicago to Cleveland?

There are very few not-stop flights from Chicago to Cleveland. Therefore, you'll have to have connecting flights. In such cases, flight time depend on the stopover destination specified by your airline or the 1 you lot choose while booking your ticket.

Fastest one-stop flight between Chicago and Cleveland takes close to 4 hours . However, some airlines could take as long as 20 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.

Waiting fourth dimension at intermediate airports could be anywhere betwixt 45 mins to 17 hrs .

Flight time from Chicago, The states to airports near Cleveland, United States

Straight flight and one terminate flight time from Midway Drome, Chicago to airports nearest to Cleveland is given in the table below

Journey Destination Airports Duration Stops
MDW - DAY Dayton, Oh, James Cox Dayton International Airport 4 hrs 15 mins i Stop
MDW - BUF Buffalo, NY, Buffalo Niagara International Airport 4 hrs 44 mins 1 Finish
MDW - MBS Saginaw, MBS International Airport 2 hrs 38 mins i Terminate
MDW - FWA Fort Wayne, Municipal/Baer Field Drome iv hrs 14 mins one Stop
MDW - DTW Detroit, MI, Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport 1 hr 8 mins Non-Stop

Chicago time is 1 hour backside Cleveland

Current time in Chicago, The states : Mon, 9 Jan, 2023,
Chicago Timezone: CST (-06:00)

04:27 PM

Current time in Cleveland, United states :, Mon, 9 Jan, 2023,
Cleveland Timezone: EST (-05:00)

05:27 PM

MDW to CLE Flight - Chicago Airport to Cleveland Airport Flying Route Map

Location of Chicago Drome & Cleveland Airport is given below. Click the map to view Chicago to Cleveland flight path and travel management.

Observe flying time from Midway Airdrome or Chicago or any other airport or city in United States to various other destinations around the globe using this flight time reckoner.

A list of major Cities/Airports around the earth is given below. Click on whatever of the airport names given beneath to detect the flying distance from Chicago to those airports.

  • Singapore, Changi Airdrome
  • Paris, Charles De Gaulle Airport
  • Washington, DC, Washington Dulles International Drome
  • Shanghai, Pu Dong Airport
  • Stockholm, Arlanda Airport
  • Reykjavik, Keflavik International Airport
  • Karachi, Jinnah International Airdrome
  • Milan, Malpensa Airport
  • Belfast, Aldergrove International Airdrome
  • Ottawa, Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport